Jamie Freeman

President of Hospitality NZ Auckland branch since 2021, and part of the executive committee for the past 6 years, Jamie Freeman comes from not only a family of publicans, but a 20+ year personal career in the industry.

Prior to moving to New Zealand in 2010 Jamie worked for Novus Leisure, the biggest independent nightclub and bar chain in the UK, along with several other high-end brands such as Tiger Tiger and All Bar One. A fond personal mentor who cares about the people around him, Jamie has spent the past 12 years in the role of operations manager and board member of Joylab Hospitality Group, as well as becoming a director and shareholder of JAG Hospitality group, founders of Joylab (previously Barworks).

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-freeman-hospitality-new-zealand/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JamieFreemanJoylab